CIS experts-New info

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Tue May 8 00:53:50 EDT 2001

Andrew, I have checked that fuse several times, it has good continuity, I 
even replaced it.  The problem seems to be in the fuel pump relay, it 
provided power to fuse 28, it is a dual circuit relay.  I opened up the relay 
today and parts of the circuit in question came spilling out of the relay, 
the whole circuit inside the relay simply fell apart.  I will replace this 
relay, it seems to be the problem at this point.
Thanks for you suggestions,

In a message dated 5/7/2001 8:46:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
fast928 at writes:

<< You better check those components out for power as well.  If all (or a few)
 of those come up with no power then you better LOOK at that fuse closely.
 It may have a very small crack or the fuse may not be making contact in the
 fuse panel!  Something to check far all this looks like a fuse to


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