a few quick questions

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue May 8 18:43:23 EDT 2001

If you do a Google search on the Audifans.com main page, you can find hours 
of reading on the subjects involved.  You'll probably need to search on a 
variety of topics.

At 01:44 PM 05/08/2001 -0600, Darrell Adams wrote:

>-> Is there a way I can search the list archives for a topic?
>If there is, I can't figure it out. I'm looking for information on
>retrofitting my car with a turbo. I'm sure it's been discussed to death,
>but I'm having a hard time finding info. replace engine vs after-market
>turbo + fuel enrichment vs ???
>-> Is there a web site that shows part interchange between the models? I'm
>not finding much on this yet.
>(i.e. can a put a new hood/grill on my car to give it a newer style? can I
>use this head on my engine? can I use this manifold on my head? etc.)
>any help would be greatly appreciated! Reply direct to me would be great.
>Need more power badly for my 90Q
>New Audi owner. Long-time fan. Longtime VW owner.
>'89 90q (needs mods)
>'90 G60 (has mods)
>'80 Scirocco S (needs major TLC)
>Darrell Adams
>SAP Infrastructure Support
>System Administration

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