Parts For Sale

Robert Kanok rkanok at
Thu May 10 15:08:28 EDT 2001

I sold my 1990 V8 Quattro,  So I have a few extra parts for sale.

The prices do not include shipping,  please email me at 
rkanok at

BBS RZ Light Alloy Forged Rims  w/Dunlop Tires		$275
     The tires have about 50% life,  The Finish is
     bad on One Rim.  16 X 7.5 with a 5X108 bolt
     pattern with 36mm offset. (have pictures)
Grey 1990 V8 Upper Dash (have pictures)		$35

Wood Dash Trim (have pictures)    			$50

Exterior Door Trim (have Pictures)			$45

AC Controller						$40

ABS Hydraulic Module					$40

Hitch for early model A6 or late model 100      $50
     (never used have pictures)
Window Regulator 					      $30

Mini Spare Tire with Rim				$30

Driver's Seat Motors (bottom Portion of Seat)	$20


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