Studs arrived from H&R - Dimension details

John Corbishley jcorbs at
Fri May 11 14:20:47 EDT 2001

For those of you who are interested the dimensions of the 40mm studs are as follows:

OAL:    61.6mm

Length of threaded portion that screws into hub:    11.7mm    This portion has dry loctite already applied.

Length of unthreaded portion that separates the two threaded portions and bottoms into the hub:    ~8mm    - 14mm OD

Length of threaded portion which takes the lug nut:    ~42mm

The lug nut end of the stud takes an allen key.

These are obviously 14mm x 1.5mm pitch and are TUV approved

They cost me $2.50 each from AWETuning, but I gather the same bunch quoted Martin Pajak $4.50??

Once again, no commercial affiliations on my part.

John Corbs
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