upgrade bulbs for eurolights

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Sat May 12 17:30:33 EDT 2001

If you can get them, buy GE's SuperBlue bulbs. I have tried several different
Xenon-effect bulbs and these are the best IMO. Bright ligth and nice fill in the
low beam.

High beams are no problem on my car, as it has three high bulbs :-) 1)the H4
main lights, 2) the aux. highs (H1) in the mainlights 3) a set of Hella Rally
1000's (H2) on a removeable bar, in addition to the stock fog lights (H3).

92 Cabrio 2.3E

Steve Marinello wrote:

> Just wanted to get some opinions or find the present consensus on "improved"
> bulbs for euro lights...not the full HID rig.  What has been the experience
> of listers?  I've heard good things about Narva bulbs, among others. Any
> confirmation and sources?  This would be for the new lights going on my S6
> avant.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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