friend discovers new ttq with bondo (after purchase)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon May 14 00:09:31 EDT 2001

Didn't BMW lose a bundle of $$$$ when it sold as new cars that had been 
repainted because they sat in a port storage area and got some paint damage 
from something like acid rain?

At 08:36 PM 05/13/2001 -0400, Chris Covington wrote:

>Last week my friend had to get his new 2001 TTq's nose repainted
>(apparently there are some problems with the durability of paint on the
>front bumper) - covered by Audi though.  Anyway, as he was getting it
>painted he was informed by the (dealer's favorite, but independent)
>bodyshop that the right front fender had been previously repainted and
>repaired with filler.  Of course, he was never told about this before his
>purchase 2 months ago, and both the dealer and AoA denies all knowledge
>of what happened (they have "no record" of damage at port, etc. - as if
>they would admit it if they did).  I guess you need thorough pre-purchase
>inspections for new Audis as well as old.  Does anyone know what sort of
>recourse my friend can possibly have?  Is this legal behavior on the part
>of Audi, given that he didn't notice at first (putting the burden on him)?
>This is the Audi dealership in Burlington, VT, BTW.
>'91 200q20v

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