No more oil consumption!

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at
Tue May 15 15:06:49 EDT 2001

--- Andrew Lundy <fast928 at> wrote:
> What??  Did I miss something??  I've never heard of O2 sensors being
> related
> to oil consumption.
> Your sudden  "lack" of oil consumption has about as much to do with
> your new
> O2 sensors as the starter motor has to do with cooling the engine.
> I think what you have is the classic case of a "coincidence"....keep
> your
> eye on the oil level.  I've checked my oil before thinking the oil
> consumption was "suddenly" gone only to check again in a few days and
> the
> oil is "mostly" gone.  Keep checking your'll start up
> again...BTDT!!  You checked on level ground, right??
> My $.02  I wish it was that easy but it's not...I'm in the same boat
> as you
> with my '95!!

Believe me when I say, I'm as mystified by this as anyone, but it's
true. My car was drinking oil at a very predictable rate, I should be
easily a quart or more low right now and I'm not.

A little background: at 43k miles the head gasket was replaced along
with various other expensive bits. One of the things that were NOT
changed were the oxygen sensors, until about 1k miles ago, at 67k
miles. The sensors were coated with what appeared to be burnt coolant,
which most likely leaked through the gasket. My car had been running
poorly for at least the last couple of year, but I commuted by train
and let it go. Finally, the check engine light came on and the oxy
sensors were swapped out. Since then, the cold engine loss of power at
2500 rpm is gone, the oil consumption is gone, and the engine simply
runs smoother. 

I'm absolutely convinced that the poor running condition of the engine
was related to the oxygen sensors and resulted in oil consumption. When
you routinely add a quart or more of sythetic oil every other week, you
notice when that condition changes. It's got to be the oxy sensors,
nothing else changed.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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