5KCSTQ: borken orifice tube - do I need a new evap?

randy paquette iqtpilot at hotmail.com
Thu May 17 13:59:31 EDT 2001

After struggling with a nagging cooling probelm for a couple years, I
planned on changing the orifice tube.  Unfortunately, the old one that is in 
the system had moved about one inch further in the pipe than its supposed to 
be.  This could be my problem!  BUT, I can't get it out.  I can grab it with 
really small needle nose plyers but can't pull hard enough.  and then I 
broke the end off.  So, does anyone have any ideas as to how to get this out 
or do I need to get a used evap core somewhere.
And, how much would one be - it getting more and more like I need to throw 
this car away.
Seen next post...
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