5KCSTQ: borken orifice tube - do I need a new evap?

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Fri May 18 18:44:56 EDT 2001

>After struggling with a nagging cooling probelm for a couple years, I
>planned on changing the orifice tube.  Unfortunately, the old one 
>that is in the system had moved about one inch further in the pipe 
>than its supposed to be.  This could be my problem!  BUT, I can't 
>get it out.  I can grab it with really small needle nose plyers but 
>can't pull hard enough.  and then I broke the end off.  So, does 
>anyone have any ideas as to how to get this out or do I need to get 
>a used evap core somewhere.
>And, how much would one be - it getting more and more like I need to 
>throw this car away.
>Seen next post...

This is a common problem with orifice tubes, and a solution exists. 
There's a special tool, called an orifice tube remover that bores 
into what's left of the tube to let you pull it out. Kinda like an 
easy-out. Alternately, try finding a wood screw (lag bolt) of the 
right size to do the same thing. You can get the old orifice tube 
out, but it'll be a bit difficult.
Joshua Van Tol -- josh at spiny.com

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