Welders (and seam welding cars)

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 13:31:12 EDT 2001

Heya guys,
  All this talk of welders got me thinking.  I am building a
20vt ur-q right now and the further I get the more I want to do.
I wanted a newer more reliable engine that was powerful. 
So....20vt is going in.  New engine means new suspension and
brakes to handle the power.  If I'm making it this nice I want
to drive it a lot.  SO I've decided to upgrade fusebox to
underhood style and upgrade dash and wiring harness to 85+
  THEN...I rode in Jim Haseltine's BEAUTIFUL Ur-q in London.  IT
was SO quiet, hmmm....I'm copying him and putting in all new
sound insulation.  Which means I have to strip the inside.  What
about seam welding it.
  Racers do this to make the car much stiffer.  Stiffer cars
flex less which means better handling, and a better feeling car
IMHO.  So, whats involved.  I'll have a car with no
interior/engine/tranny in it.  Just a rolling CHassis.  Once the
interior has the sound insulation stripped away, whats involved
to seam weld it and how.  I have some welding experience (mostly
big stick welders) form a class in College.  Can I do this
myself?  Should it be stick welded or Mig welded?  Or TIG
$$$$$$.   Do I need to strip the underside as well?  Do you weld
from both sides or just one side?  How many seams are there to

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