1990 UK 2.3e Coupe

James Sheridan pixjames at pixelix.co.uk
Thu May 24 16:43:11 EDT 2001

Hi There,

I'm new to this list, but have been reading the archives and hope that you
guys here will be able to help me out with a couple of problems I have
with my beloved Coupe.

1) Electric windows - drivers side - won't work. Have diagnosed that the
switch isn't at fault (by swapping drivers/passenger switches around), and
I know that the window lifter motor works - cause the switch (if prodded
around with, and wires tugged underneath) will operate the windows -
occasionally. It seems that I've a wiring problem somewhere (in the door,
I'd guess) but I'll be buggered if I can get the interior door panels off!
Have unscrewed the screws at the front and back of the door, plus the one
hidden under the door pull but it just doesn't want to come off - anyone
know where I'm going wrong? (Or am I just too scared to tug it too hard!)

2) Water temperature gauge in dash - seems to give very low readings -
never rises above half way, and even then that's when in hot weather and
in slow traffic. On normal driving the gauge *doesn't* move, at all. Any

3) Wheels - recommendations - I bought the car (a few months ago) with
standard 15" alloys, however, being 11 years old they're badly chipped and
don't look very nice at all. Will bigger alloys/wider wheels/lower
profiled tyres affect handling?

If you can help me on any of these points, I'd be eternally grateful - as
would my Coupe. ;)

1990 Coupe 2.3e 10v

james.sheridan					[http://www.pixelix.co.uk]
mailto:james at pixelix.co.uk			     tel/fax: 07021 117198
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