no start problem

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at
Sun May 27 05:57:00 EDT 2001

have you checked compression ?? maybe one of those
times it flooded, it washed the oil out of the
cylinders. if you dont have a guage, just try taking
the plugs out and putting 2 squirts of oil in each
                                      brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )

--- ODIE <odeydog888 at> wrote:
> I'm working on an 1991 AUDI 80 no quat. no turbo
> and I've seem to run into quite a problem the damb
> car wont start now
> it seem to start and run for a few seconds when the
> motor is under 80 degrees
> but than stalls out (like I just turned off the key
> no glug,glug stop. Just stop)
> I've checked the cold start valve it's spray patern
> is good and it turnes off without driping any fuel
> the fuel presure regulator is good (swaped it with
> my other car the one that runs)
> timeing is right on, as well as T.D.C. is in corect
> poss.
> I have spark on all 5 cyl with new plugs
> new cap and rotor,air flow plate in in corect poss.
> no vac. leaks that I have found (hopefully not the
> problem)
> o2 sensor is good ,It's not even giveing me any
> codes when I pull the self diagn.blink codes
> the car just keeps cranking and fluding the cyl.bays
> do you think it might be fuel accumulator, thats the
> only thing I havent checked olny becase my parts
> store is closed for the weekend
> can any one think of something else besides the ever
> so costly coltrol unit....
> thanx

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