cough n' stumble

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Sun May 27 22:04:28 EDT 2001

Just had wrench fix/replace hyd. pump on my '87 5kcstq, and a seemingly 
unrelated problem has appeared:  only on first start up of the day, major 
problems starting. Coughing, missing, popping. After 5 or 10 tries it'll 
finally catch, but cough and stumble. Then after 5 minutes or so idle and 
run perfectly.

Rest of the day, starts up right away. 1.3-1.4 bar consistently, car runs 
just fine otherwise.  So it seems that it doesn't like 8 or so hours of 

This year it's received new throttle switch, michelin man hose, various 
vacuum hoses, mutli funk, temp sensor.  Anyone?


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