Radar detectors allowed in Germany?

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Mon May 28 20:49:48 EDT 2001

At 13:02 28-5-01 -0400, Robert Myers wrote:
>At 12:30 PM 5/28/01, ttiholov wrote:
>> > From: Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl> wrote
>>  Radar detectors allowed in Germany?
>> > Subject line says it all- would like to know for our upcoming trip to the
>> > land of Autobahns if I can use a radar detector...
>>Don't think so
>Of course you can use one!  However what happens after you get caught 
>using it is still an open question.  :-)


I've just answered my own question- radar detectors are not allowed in 
Germany, Belgium, France and lots of other European countries- except for 
Holland. Well, at least I can use one for the rest of the year...
In France you're fined some $600 when you get caught, apparently. Luckily, 
our freedom to receive whatever transmitted frequency is in our 
Constitutional laws, and a detector is nothing more than a receiver. Radar 
jammers are a whole 'nuther matter, unfortunately.


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