Radar detectors allowed in Germany? + BONUS Autobahn CAUTIONS/TIPS

Eyvind Spangen eyvind.spangen at c2i.net
Wed May 30 20:36:20 EDT 2001

On Wed, 30 May 2001 07:14:45 -0400, you wrote:

>  Germans call the long lines of trucks on the autobahn "elephant races".
>  Be wary when overtaking such races as one or more elephants may attempt 
>  to pass at any time.

Last summer, I had an experience on the road between Hannover and
Hamburg. 3 lanes, a truck in the middle lane doing about 90 kph
passing another truck in the right lane. I was doing about 195 kph in
the left lane. Suddenly, a small Peugeot 205 driving behind the
passing truck changed from the middle to the left lane, about 60
meters in front of me. I had to brake down from almost 200 to below
100 kph as hard as possible to avoid a rear-ending. Watch out for this
- some people don't use their mirrors at all!


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