4kcsq coolant leak and window repair

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Nov 2 14:58:56 EST 2001

You should replace the pump and seals, the timing belt and possible the idler.

At 10:56 AM 11/02/2001 -0800, Aaron Ryba wrote:

>hello quattro list members
>i have an 87 4kcsq leaking coolant.
>The car has 103k mi on it (eng same).  The fluid is
>dripping from the front end of the engine down arounf
>the front end of the crank case pully.  The problem
>seems to be a bad water pump seal or pump itself
>because no hoses or other coolant parts are leaking.
>The leak just sprung recently.  The coolant fluid is
>noticably dirty and the system needs a good flush.  I
>have recently purchased the car and do not know the
>mantainance history of the coolant system.
>Has anyone repaced the water pump and or seal?
>Do i have to take off the cam sproket to then take of
>the rear belt cover to then finally get to the pump?
>Should the pump be replaced even if it is only the
>seal (since the part is a mere $50)?
>Are there any major precautions in what seems like a
>simple job?
>I also have to repair the two left power windows on
>the car as they do not function.  I am positive the
>problem is within the door itself and not a wiring
>problem (i think?).
>Does anyone have insight on the systematic
>malfunctions of these windows?
>Any usefull information on the proceedure to fix them
>(the armrest is a bitch to get off!)
>thankyou for any replys
>aaron ryba
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