AoA warranty denial

Andrew Lundy fast928 at
Mon Nov 12 22:40:12 EST 2001

Everybody want some cheese with that whine  :-)

Audi will cover it if he signs an affidavit....and he still won't sign??  I
don't get it!!
Andrew Lundy
fast928 at
90 80q
99 A6q

----- Original Message -----
From: "TM" <t44tq at>
To: "S-Car-List" <s-car-list at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 8:20 PM
Subject: AoA warranty denial

> After being pointed to this thread:
> Reading through it, it is rather outrageous. If the facts are
> as stated, it looks like AoA may be in for a fight on Magnusson-Moss
> Act grounds.
> The repeated turbo failures on the 2.7T engines concern me- if
> people are being truthful, the 2.7T engine has a large number of
> turbo failures, it seems. Maybe it is only because of the community
> in which this is posted that it seems that way... any thoughts?
> I'm getting more and more leery of recommending any 2.7T equipped
> Audis even though I think it is the best engine available in the
> current lineup, overall.
> Ti, Brad, Derek, any thoughts?
> Maybe a W8 Passat will be a better choice to replace our A4...
> Taka

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