Sagging headliner blues
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Mon Nov 19 09:04:31 EST 2001
Similar to sticks installed to support canvas covers on boats. Maybe a
marine supply store would have an anchoring hardware piece that could be
used for the headliner application. In a SAAB I had that developed the
drooping headliner, I used strips of some contrasting -color cloth material
pinned in place to hide the fact I was pinning up the headliner.
At 12:28 AM 11/19/2001 -0500, Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:
>Thin flat flexible wood strips (like long yard sticks) slightly longer than
>the distance from one side of the cabin to the other. The bend you put into
>the strip jams the ends into the sidewall of the cabin, and pushes the
>center of the strip up into an arch to support the sagging headliner. If
>you can fit one strip and get support, then you can fit more and approach a
>solution. How you get the ends to jam is your business.
>I never did this, so it is only an idea that I would try if I had that
>problem. But the sticks will be easy to come by, and cheap, and might work.
>Maybe you could start the first stick between the hand grips above the rear
>passenger doors.
>Doyt Echelberger
>87 5ktq
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>At 08:45 PM 11/18/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>>Fellow listers -
>>My 5k is showing its age in the most undignified way possible: letting
>>its headliner sag. It's now got a big bubble of loose cloth right above
>>where the rear passengers' seats are. Yes, I realized this shortly
>>before my in-laws came in town. At least it wasn't hanging down low
>>enough to hit their heads! But it will be soon.
>>What to do?
>>I've searched the archives. I find the following options:
>>(1) New headliner assembly from the dealer. $400 plus installation. (Did
>>I say this was an option? Whoops.)
>>(2) Remove the whole headliner assy and pull the cloth off, then use
>>lots of 3M trim adhesive spray (not Super 77), let dry partly, and press
>>the cloth down again.
>>(3) Thumbtacks. Crude but clever. Some listers report ill results: not
>>only is it ineffective, but the thumbtacks may become projectiles.
>>(4) Tent pole. (My idea.) Does obscure visibility somewhat.
>>Any other suggestions? The cloth hasn't completed separated from the
>>foam yet, so I can't get in and put an adhesive in without pulling
>>things apart more...
>>I'm considering #2 but with a pressure-sensitive adhesive, like a 3M
>>467. We design the stuff into products at work and it sticks like crazy.
>>- Wallace
>> '87 5kcstq 179k
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