Front End Clunks

Brandon Rogers brogers at
Mon Nov 19 09:36:32 EST 2001

You may have already gotten your answers by now, but ...I recently cured a
clunk in my suspension that persisted depsite new C-arm bushings, good ball
joints etc.  I have G60 brakes and there are 2 springs that help secure the
pad, one of them was not properly seated behind the caliper.  The spring was
visible as part of it was poking out a hole in the caliper.  Fixed this and
the clunk was gone.  The clunk at sharp turn sounds like a strut bearing,
from what I understand.  I'm no expert, I just know what fixed my clunk.

'84 urquattro

Message: 9
From: "Blu" <BLUDODGER at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: Front End Clunks
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 10:02:21 -0500

Just recently had rear brakes and front struts done on my car. Now I have
these two different clunks coming from my front end; one related to the
brakes and the other with the suspension. Hmmm...I wonder why?

BRAKING CLUNK: Happens when making a quick stop. It doesn't have to be real
(screeching) quick...just a bit on the fast side. The clunk seems to
originate from the driver's side. It only happens once per braking episode.

Suspension Clunk: On slow and tight right-handed radius turns (i.e. parking
lots and right-handed turns from a stop) there is a big clunk coming from
the front end. Otherwise, the car seems to handle and sound pretty nice...a
little excess noise when hitting slight bumps--but that is par for the
course with these suspensions right?

I know that these cars are finicky when it comes to their suspensions,  but
this car has been in the family since it was brand spanking new and I have
never heard these types of Clunks and under these circumstances. I did a
google search but wasn't happy with the responses. As I have just done some
pretty costly repairs on the car I hope I don't hear..."start replacing
every suspension part in the front end 'til you have a quiet ride."

These noises seem to have started up as a result of the previously mentioned
work or perhaps as a result of the recent rear differential lock up period
that I experienced (see previous posts--and thanks for all the
paid off (altho I can't seem to get the darn thing to function by
itself...any suggestions on the type of lubricant to put on diff. switch in
rear, it was rusted pretty bad).

I realize the description of the clunks are vague but I just would like to
hear what you guys have to say about the possibilities.

Thanks for the ongoing help


'88 80q

: Front End Clunks

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