[Update] Blinking Temp light

mark schofield 200quattro at lineone.net
Sun Nov 25 16:25:14 EST 2001

This seems to be mirroring the  problem we are having on my partner's
Golf. A few weeks ago we lost all the water due to a failed pipe. I duly
replaced the pipe, three parts filled the system and let the car warm up
prior to final setting the level correctly. All the time the low-level
light was blinking, even when I got the level up correct and it wouldn't
go out even if I shorted the switch contacts together. Perplexed, I
turned it all off and re-started only to find the light had gone out. Ah
well, thinks me, needed a hard re-set, put it down to experience.

Last Wednesday evening took the car out, no problems. Thursday morning,
partner takes the kids to school, phone rings at work, she hasn't got
100 yards before the light is blinking away again. Keep an eye on the
temperature gauge I tell her, if all OK don't worry about it I'll come
round and check it out lunch-time. Lunch-time, no problems, water level
is fine. Reference to the manual indicates that there is some kind of
electronic device controllingthis warning light. Don't know what's in it
(probably not much) or how it works but I guess this is probably the
culprit in our case.

VW / AUDI all one manufacturing group hence this post - the technology
used is probably pretty much the same.


'87 200 Quattro
'91 Golf GTI

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