Snow tires

Brandon Rogers brogers at
Tue Nov 27 14:52:59 EST 2001

I have Yoko Guardex 600 on my A4--great in the snow but definitely sloppy in
the dry.  I'd go so far as to say they stink in the dry.  I've heard great
things about the Arctic Alpin--anybody have any input on this snow tire?

I've had some worn Gislaved studded snows on my urquattro that are
awesome--nothing like full throttle acceleration in powder/packed powder
with a little bit of rooster tail from each wheel!

'84 urquattro
'98 A4

Message: 14
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:17:40 -0700 (MST)
From: Iain Mannix <mannix at>
To: c a l i b a n <caliban at>
cc: quattro! <quattro at>
Subject: Re: snow tires, as usual

A couple of friends of mine use these on their Saab 900s, they
like them a lot.  Both have used other "good" snows; Nokias of
various model, Blizzaks, Dunlop Graspics, etc - neither claim
they are the best they've ever used(both are partial to
Nokia Haka 10s with studs), but both are very happy with the

I've personally used Blizzaks, Yoko Guardex, Vredstein Snow +
with studs(amazing tire), Nokia H10/studs(my favorite),
Gislaved studded - not personally owned the Observe, but I've
ridden in Toyo-shod Saabs, and while not quattros, they
seemed to do a very good job.  Both live in the mountains
above Boulder, both ski, ehh, dunno - they seem to like them
a lot.

No real mention of tire wear from either one - I suspect
they're good.

For a cheap studless tire, I liked the Guardexes on my
87 5kcsqa; I bought them to "get me by," needed something
acceptable for a winter, figured I'd use them one winter and
get something studded - wound up using them for three.
No real complaints - kinda itchy in slush once some
wear accumulated, but overall, I liked them a lot, bearing
price in mind.

Iain Mannix

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, c a l i b a n wrote:

> not for me.  i'm way stoked on my hakka 1 set.
> i have a friend looking into these toyo tires, for her
> subaru.  they have walnut shells.  "observe".
> any opinions on them, out there?
> --
>   rocky mullin - chaotic good
>   "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
>    but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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