Snow tires

Zsolt zed123 at
Wed Nov 28 09:43:45 EST 2001


That is exactly the reason I bought the Hakka NRW. I needed a tire that
will be good on snow and will also perform well on dry pavement.

I love them. I never thought a tire could be as good as these in both


Brandon Rogers wrote:

> I have Yoko Guardex 600 on my A4--great in the snow but definitely sloppy in
> the dry.  I'd go so far as to say they stink in the dry.  I've heard great
> things about the Arctic Alpin--anybody have any input on this snow tire?
> I've had some worn Gislaved studded snows on my urquattro that are
> awesome--nothing like full throttle acceleration in powder/packed powder
> with a little bit of rooster tail from each wheel!
> Brandon
> '84 urquattro
> '98 A4
> Message: 14
> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:17:40 -0700 (MST)
> From: Iain Mannix <mannix at>
> To: c a l i b a n <caliban at>
> cc: quattro! <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: snow tires, as usual
> A couple of friends of mine use these on their Saab 900s, they
> like them a lot.  Both have used other "good" snows; Nokias of
> various model, Blizzaks, Dunlop Graspics, etc - neither claim
> they are the best they've ever used(both are partial to
> Nokia Haka 10s with studs), but both are very happy with the
> Toyos.
> I've personally used Blizzaks, Yoko Guardex, Vredstein Snow +
> with studs(amazing tire), Nokia H10/studs(my favorite),
> Gislaved studded - not personally owned the Observe, but I've
> ridden in Toyo-shod Saabs, and while not quattros, they
> seemed to do a very good job.  Both live in the mountains
> above Boulder, both ski, ehh, dunno - they seem to like them
> a lot.
> No real mention of tire wear from either one - I suspect
> they're good.
> For a cheap studless tire, I liked the Guardexes on my
> 87 5kcsqa; I bought them to "get me by," needed something
> acceptable for a winter, figured I'd use them one winter and
> get something studded - wound up using them for three.
> No real complaints - kinda itchy in slush once some
> wear accumulated, but overall, I liked them a lot, bearing
> price in mind.
> Iain Mannix
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, c a l i b a n wrote:
>>not for me.  i'm way stoked on my hakka 1 set.
>>i have a friend looking into these toyo tires, for her
>>subaru.  they have walnut shells.  "observe".
>>any opinions on them, out there?
>>  rocky mullin - chaotic good
>>  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
>>   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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