possible list virus

Kev the Brit quattrohead at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 14:29:17 EST 2001

>"I didn't venture very far before hitting delete - my virus detection is
installed in my fingertips."

This is a very bold statement, unfortunately it could get you into trouble.
As an IT professional I have spent many hours installing new versions of
anti virus software and making sure they are kept up to date. There is more
to it than just that though. All versions of Outlook and Internet Explorer
and indeed all Windows operating systems have severe security leaks right
out of the box that many viruses take advantage of. There are many, many
patches and service packs to fix these holes but new ways are found to over
come them. For the home user it is alot easier to install anti virus
software and keep it up to date, at least monthly. If the OS, IE or outlook
is compromised, at least the anti virus software will catch the errant virus
before it gets too far.

We have to be very careful out there today, its a dirty world in 0's and 1's

Audi content......the wife drives the A6 more than me now :-(  at least a
Saab turbo is the next best thing. More go than grip though.

Kevin Phillips   AIM quattrohead
Western Massachusetts
1995 900 SET 117,000m
1998 A6 Avant 60,000m
Cell 413 519 9034

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