1999 Quattro List Archives?

Stephen Kormilo stephen at kormilo.ca
Thu Oct 4 10:39:37 EDT 2001

At 09:44 AM 04/10/01 -0400, Kneale wrote:
>At 08:16 AM 10/04/2001 -0500, Stephen Kormilo wrote:
>>At 09:03 AM 04/10/01 -0400, you wrote:
>>>A Google search at the  audifans.com  home page will return message for 
>>>the topic submitted from the entire archives, Stephen.   For individual 
>>>month/year archives, you can hit the "archives" link on the audifans.com 
>>>home page which will send you to:    http://www.audifans.com/archives.html
>>Sorry, I guess that I should have included the fact that I have searched 
>>the audifans archives and they only go back to the beginning of 2000, 
>>except for a few posts that are probably there because of an incorrect 
>>date setting on a computer somewhere.
>I don't understand.  I just clicked on the link I provided to the archives 
>(above), and then randomly clicked on a month in 1996, and 
>got  http://www.audifans.com/archives/1996/02/threads.html   which is the 
>postings for February of '96.   Are you saying this doesn't work?  Is 
>there something specific you're looking for?

Ooops...  my mistake (is there a 'smiley' for blushing?)

I selected and searched in the 'mailman' archives for the quattro list, 
forgetting that the list used Majordomo before 'mailman'.  Consequently, I 
didn't scroll down to the bottom of the main archives page to notice the 
earlier archives.  Thanks for the help & clarification.

Stephen Kormilo                            Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
Instructor, Electronics Technology
Red River College
Winnipeg, MB

email: skormilo at rrc.mb.ca
OR:    stephen at kormilo.ca

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