What color wires?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Oct 4 13:27:29 EDT 2001

What I've done is match solid-color wires with as close to that color as my 
varied supply comes.  Where stripes are added to solid-color, I've added an 
appropriate spiral of colored electrical tape.  Most electric supply houses 
(the ones electricians go to, not the ones electronics technicians 
visit)  have a fairly wide variety of colored electrical tape.

At 09:35 AM 10/04/2001 -0400, Kent McLean wrote:

>OK, so now that we have agreed (?) that crimping wires is
>acceptible, I'm still wondering what you do for the color of
>the wires?
>Do you try to match colors? Even the trace colors?
>Do you simplify it and use one color for power and another for ground?
>Do you use whatever color you have (monkey lad)?
>Kent McLean, crimper
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