AC programmer problems

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Oct 4 20:41:21 EDT 2001

You should begin by reading Scott Mockry's terrific information on A/C 
function and diagnosis at:

At 06:50 PM 10/04/2001 -0400, Howarth1 at wrote:

>I recently bought a 1990 100 with 52,000 indicated.  So it has been doing 
>a lot of sitting in its life.  When I first put a battery in it and got it 
>running the Ac programmer was working fine but after about 4-5 hours of 
>run time the programmer started blinking and the blower motor does not 
>run.  The compressor is kicking on and off and the cooling fan runs slowly 
>all the time.  (Default fail mode?)  Programmer inputs have no effect.  If 
>I pull the fuse to the programmer the fan and compressor stop.  Is my 
>programmer dead or has my blower motor quit and my programmer smart enough 
>to know it?  Looking for trouble shooting help, archives, and a Bently 
>manual if anyone has one for sale.
>Also of note, my fuse box index shows an "AC relay" in position 22 but the 
>space is empty.  Is the relay missing or is this for Euro spec cars only?
>Any help is appreciated, I would like to get this barely used 100 back to 
>factory spec.
>Richard Howarth, Howarth1 at
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