burried Speedos

Stephen Kormilo stephen at kormilo.ca
Fri Oct 5 10:56:17 EDT 2001

At 09:43 AM 05/10/01 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at downeast.net>
>To: "Quattro" <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: re:  burried Speedos
>Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 07:19:42 -0400
>Something is wrong with my ISP I guess, as some of the past few Quattro
>posts have been garbled...I did see something about burried Speedos....
>Reminded me of my former girlfriend who wore a Speedo that she bought
>through an underground connection in the fabric industry.  When she came out
>of the water, it turned completely opaque if the sun was at the right angle.

Maybe you really mean 'transparent' instead of 'opaque'??  ;-)

Unless the suit was transparent before getting wet, but then she probably 
would  have noticed that!

>I remember how everyone on the beach stopped and.....
>Huh?  Wait.  Oh!  SORRY!
>You meant burried speedos where the needles were way over.....

Stephen Kormilo                            Silver '98.5 Audi A4 2.8QM
Instructor, Electronics Technology
Red River College
Winnipeg, MB

email: skormilo at rrc.mb.ca
OR:    stephen at kormilo.ca

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