90 Quattro generational differences

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Oct 11 18:52:51 EDT 2001

Can't help you with anecdotal car model differences, but if you want to 
look something up from past postings your best bet is a Google search on 
the Audifans.com website.  If you know a specific date, then the archives 
link off the audifans.com home page will get you to the archives by date.

At 01:54 PM 10/11/2001 -0700, Wayne Dohnal wrote:

>This is my first post.  If what I'm asking is in the archives, please give
>me a gentle hint how to locate it :-)
>I'm looking at used 90 Quattros (5 speed), and I'm wondering if I should be
>seeking out or avoiding any of the three generations.  I know that the 20v
>has more power than the 10v, and the V6 has more power than the 20v, but
>that is not necessarily my primary concern.  Can anyone address any of the
>following issues for the different engine configurations?
>- reliability
>- ease of regular service, like oil changes, air filters, fuel filters, etc.
>- ease of service for more major items, like timing belt, water pump,
>starter, power steering pump, etc.
>- are the clutches and transmissions basically the same ?
>- are there any other issues with different generations I'd want to know
>Wayne Dohnal,  Banks, OR.
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