Broken Camshaft updated...4kq info...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Oct 12 11:01:41 EDT 2001

I have to agree with Brendan here.  The idea is to KEEP the information 
available.  It absolutely should be given attribution as far as a source is 
concerned,  and permission for use should be requested,  but the problem 
with "LINKS"  is that they disappear.   A perfect example is that Chris 
Miller's 200q20v repair pages include a link to what used to be a wonderful 
set of photos and text describing door lock repairs.  The link goes to 
pages that vanished with a server crash and the original supplier said he 
had no back-up.  Chris has since put up his own description, but for months 
there was no such resource.

At 03:28 AM 10/12/2001 -0400, Brendan wrote:

>>This is really not what the web is about.  The whole idea of URLs is that
>It's interesting to see people's interpretations of what the "web is about".
>Isn't the purpose of the web, information? Anything beyond "information" 
>would not seem to be a sustainable idea...Besides, people are free to get 
>the latest copy of anything I have ripped-off with the note at the bottom 
>of every page...Your torque setting one has:
>"Notes: I completely ripped this off from Phil Payne's site. The file has 
>been changed to make it more "integrated" into my site."
>And the text "Phil Payne's" is a link directly to your site...It gets the 
>information out, which is all I'm after...
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