driving up the coast

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Mon Oct 15 22:35:50 EDT 2001

Driving from FL to NH would have been MUCH more fun if I had:

1)  Been driving my Audi (MAC)
2)  Been driving

The trek was made in my GFs 1990 Geo Metro w/240k miles (!!!!)
The speedo only goes up to 85 mph.  Thus burrying the sucker was not hard
So being the passenger with a big a$$ compact flash card loaded in my digicam 
naturally led to lotsa pics.  I think I got a shot of every state sign from 
FL to NH with only Deleware coming out blurry (not bad since each shot in the 
lot was taken at 75+)


87 4ktq
88 90q

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