handicapped partking

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Wed Oct 17 20:59:41 EDT 2001

Hah! I had no such cast. AND you did need to borrow a slushbox car. Mine
came with a handicap permit, which I tried to avoid using.  


On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 21:24:49 -0400 Kneale Brownson
<knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
>Short-leg casts.  The surgical reattachment was at the heel.  I got 
>casts every couple of weeks for four months, and midway through the 
>were close enough to a "normal" orientation to the leg that I could 
>push in 
>a clutch pedal but I couldn't walk on the cast.  Prior to that I had 
>drive the Suburban with slushbox.
>At 07:31 PM 10/16/2001 -0400, Larry C Leung wrote:
>>HOW did you operate the clutch? Both times I've had knee surgery I've 
>>to borrow a slushbox car.
>>LL - NY
>>On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:55:54 -0400 Kneale Brownson
>><knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
>> >At 09:03 AM 10/16/2001 +0000, Mike Arman wrote:
>> >
>> >> >
>> >>Audi Content: Under the ADA, my Audi will NOT be parked in a
>> >handicapped
>> >>space - ever!!!
>> >
>> >
>> >The winter I spent in casts and a brace after having a severed
>> >Achilles
>> >tendon reattached I was really happy about not having to crutch my 
>> >to
>> >stores and shops on icy pavements any farther than the distance 
>> >the
>> >handicapped parking I was allowed to use with a temporary permit.

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