Clearcoat or not

Brian O' briano_72 at
Fri Oct 19 16:09:16 EDT 2001

what color is the car ?? if metallic, it is and almost
has to be cleared, unless you use neanderthal acrylic
enamel, if you do that you might as well leave the car
the way it is, if black, red, or white, it will make
it last longer, you will not have to wax as much from
uv damage. 
                                      brian o'

--- TWFAUST at wrote:
> I am about to have my '87 Avant repainted. My
> question is whether to go for 
> the clear coat. I know about the UV protection and
> don't know if I will own 
> the car long enough for that to matter. Since it has
> been a long time since I 
> saw a car without clear coat, I guess my question is
> whether there is any 
> real difference in appearance?
> Tom Faust

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