I'm starting to get stumped

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Mon Oct 22 16:20:42 EDT 2001

Ok, I'm continuing my quest to make my 86' 4kq leak free.  I ordered a
new oil pan, and a new gasket, as that was suggested as my problem.  Put
the whole shebang together with a bunch of blue gasket goo to help seal
everything.  Let it dry for a bit, then started the car up.  Looked
Went back out about 15 minutes later, and saw a small fresh puddle of
oil under the car.
Appears to be leaking again.
It looks like it is coming from the oil pan, at the front passenger
side, where there is a turn in the oil pan.  This is near the area where
there is an oil pressure or temp sensor (not sure which).
The good part is, most of the other leaking appears to have stopped.
Before I got the new oil pan, the back of the pan area was leaking too.
The thing I don't understand is why I would have so much trouble with
oil coming out.
When I look at the car after a drive, there is a very noticeable drip
from this area.  Enough that it seems like there is pressure pushing the
oil out.  I've looked through most of the crankcase ventilation system,
but couldn't find any clogs.  Haven't pulled off the charcoal canister
yet, could that be it maybe?  I'm not sure.
I am sure though that next time I will be able to do an oil pan gasket
replacement in under two hours...  I'm getting darned good at it.  : (
Any thoughts on what could be pressurizing the crankcase, or something
else to check?

Welcoming responses, so I don't have to light this car on fire, and
start over.
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq (Exxon Valdez model)
93' 90 CS
83' 944

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