Poor radio reception

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Tue Oct 23 19:44:14 EDT 2001

Can I get in on this? I get FM but no AM reception, '89 200Q,
windshield/rear heater wire antennas. If you get any useful replies, let
me know, and vice versa.


On Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:35:16 -0400 Paul Hill <phill at avici.com> writes:
>Well I finally got the 86 5KCSTQ inspected and back on the road, but 
>my 40 
>minute drive reminded me just how bad the radio reception is (much 
>that my cheapo crappy ford escort wagon 8^( ) i.e. unusable.
>The radio is reasonable quality (and the original radio performed as 
>badly), so it would appear to be either the antenna or the stupidly 
>non standard co-axial cable to the radio. I have the original 
>power antenna, but have no way of telling if the amplifier is still 
>Anyone got any BTDT on getting this working normally again?
>	Paul

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