Mmmmm, 944 Intercooler.....

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Wed Oct 24 18:20:01 EDT 2001

I'd say it is beause the bigger IC is causing a pressure drop, the 944 IC has more volume inside, plus it flows much better.

You have any pictures?

In a message dated Wed, 24 Oct 2001  5:00:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jim Green <jeg1976 at> writes:

> Well it's in and kickin ass.  For the first time I
> have rock solid boost. It's pretty cool how the inlet
> gets hot as hell and you can just feel it get cold as
> you move to the outlet.  Anyways I have a question for
> all of you who like squishing air together.  With my
> stock 5kt IC I could run 16-19 psi usually.  After I
> piped in the 944 IC, I could not get the car above 13
> psi. without adjustment.  Could it be cooling the air
> so much that it drops that much pressure, or could the
> additional piping be lowering it?  I pressure tested
> the system when I installed it and it is very tight. 
> I gave the schrapenal knob another twist and now we
> are back up to about 15 psi, and I'll probably give it
> another twist on the way home tonight.
> Any thoughts?
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq 
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