I learned something today

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Sun Oct 28 16:36:41 EST 2001

While doing some maintenance today, I learned that replacing the air
filter on my car (2.3 NG) is a real PITA! At one moment I fealt that I
was about to tear the entire engine apart just to get that darn filter
replaced. After a bit of wrestling I got the old filter out and the new
filter in.

I also disconnected the ISV and cleaned it, as the idle was a bit bouncy
at times when engine was warm, and also had a bit of hesitation when
cold. Well, after cleaning the ISV both malfunctions were gone with the
wind. BUt it was a bit hard to get that ISV out as well, as the two
hoses under the IM was a bit hard to get at. Anyways, all went in almost
smoothly and the car is now running fine again.

I also found some time to clean the heater fan inlet for dead leaves,
and replaced a couple of light bulbs. Next thing on schedule is to take
off the 17" Momo's and putting on the winter tires (stock size tires on
Ronal R2 7x15" wheels).

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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