Bleeding/Missing Tech help

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Oct 29 16:05:50 EST 2001

Are you saying when the steering is assisted properly, you have no brake
assist, and when the braking is assisted properly, you have no steering
assist?  And it will vary from one to the other?  Did you check the
hydraulic system oil level?  It's supposed to be between the high and low
marks on the reservoir when the system is warmed completely (as in after
half an hour of driving or so) sitting on flat ground with the engine
idling.  The bleeding process for the system is to elevate the front wheels
so you can make several rapids swings of the steering from full lock left
to full lock right with the engine powering the pump.

At 01:44 PM 10/29/2001 -0500, Mark Woodland wrote:

>Many thanks in advance for all the good advice, past and future.
>The latest...
>1. After re-o-ringing the '86 5000 TQs hydraulic pump and filling (the pump
>body) with fresh pentosin, I've put on over 50 miles and am still
>experiencing a combination of A. Power assisted steering/no power assist to
>brakes, and B. No power assisted steering/good power assisted brakes. I try
>to plan well in advance for stops and turns, but its obvious I've overlooked
>something. I've driven in circles in parking lots, at both full left and
>right locks, topped up the fluid, etc... Any ideas? Could the failing bomb
>have (coincidently) picked this time to pack it in, or is it still unbled
>2. The '87 5KTQ has an intermittant low-load miss, from 1500/1800 up to 3000
>rpms, at which point it smooths out and pulls like a train up to redline.
>I've tried new tri-electrode plugs, wires, cap and rotor, as well as
>multiple applications of Techron injector cleaner, all to no avail. Once
>again, any ideas?
>Thanks again,
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