Rear Wheel Bearing

Jacques Fournier jfgte8296 at
Mon Oct 29 14:13:25 EST 2001

In responce to several mails about checking the brakes
instead of the bearing:

It's not like a brake squeal really. The brakes and
discs are 5 months old and in perfect condition.  It
sounds like the bearing is shifting and the preasure
is making it rub very hard on the race.  One other guy
just sent me a reply saying he has the same problem.
What if the stub axle is worn down and allows too much
free play?  Then when I brake, the bearing shifts just
a bit and rubs.  Even with a full grease pack, the
thing would make some noice.  Hey how about if I have
my wife drive the car and I can tie myself to the
truck and listen to it?  I even though about the
washer moveing and rubbing on the inside of the hub.
Hummmmmmmm.  This one is a strange one.  Funny thing
is, the left side has been untouched for 75K miles now
and nothing is wrong with it.

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