RED HEADS ROCK (was RE: Big Brakes)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Mon Sep 3 09:52:09 EDT 2001

Being a (62 year old) newly (34 days) married man means that I don't read
the digests as often or in as much detail as I otter, but this is the first
time I've had a chance to jump in on a thread in quite a while.  And having
a much younger, Red-Headed bride means both that Pharmaceutical sales are
up in direct relation to the decline in my time available for
internet-related (or any other non-spousal) activities.

BTW, she and I hope to see as many of you as we can at the Audi corral at
Road Atlanta for the Petit LeMans in October.  Look for the big ol'
Ex-Grayhound, aka, the dirt-boat "Gatorojo."


I got one of them too Unka, and shes great! :)  And I got her into Audi's as


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