an observation about european cars vs the rest of the world....

Bob mx at
Tue Sep 4 11:12:41 EDT 2001

Hmmm.. in that case we have Lotus Esprit, Bently Azure, Saab Viggen, Rolls Royce
Anything...  etc...  :)

"Beatty, Robert" wrote:

> Perhaps i should have said ... european cars imported to the US currently...
> other than VW i cant think of any others that dont use a letter or number to
> designate models... and no Lambos don't count as how many a year sell?
> maybe 500?
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Per Lindgren [mailto:lindgre at]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 12:33 PM
> To: 'audi list'
> Subject: Re: an observation about european cars vs the rest of the
> world....
> Bob wrote:
> > Then of course there is lancia with some strange
> > names (Delta, stratos...).....
> Mainly letters from the Greek alphabet.
> Anyways, the kings of made up names are Citroen. Not many of their names
> mean
> anything. Xantia, Xsara, Saxo, Berlingo. Ring any bell?
> PerL
> 92 Cabrio 2.3E

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