news, final edition.

Fred Munro munrof at
Sun Sep 16 09:17:38 EDT 2001


Regardless of whom you believe Luke owes an apology to, our list etiquette
keeps our interaction civilized, and part of that etiquette is to keep
private posts private unless given permission by the author to make them

Unless, of course, you believe the end justifies the means in a righteous

But isn't that what terrorists believe?

Civilization is a constant struggle against the base aspects of human nature
and is more fragile than many think.

Fred Munro
'94 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edward Birch" <edwbirch at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: Re:news, final edition.

> "CCOHEN" <ccohen5 at> wrote.......
> > He has a point, several in fact. (Luke Rickert) <snip>a question of
> perspective and
> > prejudice, but for sure it does not belong on this list and you should
> > have published his letter to you without his permission. This permission
> was
> > denied in the body of his message.
> >
> > At least you owe him an apology.
> Any apology is owed by Luke Rickert to the F.D.N.Y. and the F.O.P. lodge
> #997 members.
> Ed....93-100S
> (Blue Knights chapter XII)

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