clutch vent valve

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Sep 17 13:42:33 EDT 2001

No BTDT, but from your description, it sounds as though the missing 
"nipple" is what gets pushed in on the ventilation valve when you push on 
the clutch, resulting in shutting down the Cruise Control.  I'd think that 
taping over or otherwise sealing the tube permanently would eliminate the 
feature that disconnects cruise when you step on the clutch.  Probably not 
a good idea.

At 08:15 AM 09/17/2001 -0700, Kevin Clinton wrote:

>Cruise Control DOA when I had new clutch pedal installed - listers wisely 
>advised that I check out the clutch and brake vent valves.
>Assuming the clutch and vent valves as supposed to be identical - looks 
>like the clutch valve is missing a white plastic "nipple" where the clutch 
>pedal meets the valve.
>As a test I put some tape over the end of the valve where the nipple 
>belongs and the CC worked. Looks like this nipple not only cushions the 
>valve but is part of the vacuum system??
>Is this missing piece sold separately?  Do you have a part number?.  If 
>not sold separately - would I hurt anything by replacing the tape with 
>something more permanent like glueing on piece of plastic or rubber.
>Thanks for your help
>89 Audi 200 TQ
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