10V T pics
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 22 13:59:55 EDT 2001
WHich Exhaust manifold. The 1-piece manifold off the 5ktq/200
10v is only good to about 250hp, maybe 275 with some porting
work to match the head. (Dont forget to step the Exhaust ports)
but the 3B manifold in the 20v is good for about 300hp. No
more. At that point you have to go to the RS2 manifold.
The 2-piece 200 10v manifold is good for maybe 325hp. I'm not
really sure on that one. But at least its easier to port that
one and if you Extrude hone it should be fine for 350hp. The
other opton of course is Dynalynx.SP
As for your 3b Taka, you MUST get an RS2 manifold. The way
the tubes face each other on the factory 20v manifold is BAD,
NOT GOOD, above 300hp you must get RS-2 manifold.
Of course on all these cars to get 300+hp you must also have a
REAL turbo. RS2, Turbonetics T3/T4, or similar.
And on a 10vt you need to port the head as well. 20v is fine
to 400.
Taka, dont forget about the 3b's cross fire problem in the
Ignition Dist. Dont go to far or you'll bend those poor 20v
--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Ben, Todd, et al.,
> Does anyone know at what point the exhaust manifold
> becomes overly restrictive?
> For under $1k, I would look at the manifold first,
> as I will whenever I can afford to take my car over
> the 300hp mark (I'm shooting for 350-375 as a goal).
> Of course, my car is a 3B, so that's not relevant to
> the discussion other than raising the point about the
> exhaust manifold and it being possibly overly restrictive.
> How much flow improvement comes from the '91 200t 2-piece
> manifold, if any?
> Did you look into MB 6.9 CIS injectors and metering head?
> How about using a hybrid turbo of some sort to flow more
> air while trying not to have eons of turbo lag? IMHO, the
> K26 boost threshold is unacceptable.
> Have you already installed a higher-flow downpipe? Exhaust?
> What about a ported head?
> Taka
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