Northeast get-together (RSVP PLEASE!!!)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Tue Sep 25 16:04:05 EDT 2001


I know at least 1 person said they couldnt make it Fri night :(  However
since a majority of those who responded wanted to move things to Fri (28
Sept) thats what I have done.

I will repost directions tomorrow as I dont have time right now to do it, I
gotta get home :).

It will be at John Harvards Brew House in Framingham MA

Start 630 pm.

Finish... when they kick us out of the parking lot while gawking at each
others cars

Its a decent place to eat (AND drink :) ).  Please bring cash so we can get
1 check and make everyone's life MUCH easier at bill paying time.

Everyone please respond to this so I have an approx # for reservations (i
have 10 people who have responded to previous messages)



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