More money than...?

Steve Marinello smarinello at
Wed Sep 26 19:04:36 EDT 2001

FWIW, Crescent City Motors here in New Orleans has had a beautiful pearl S8
sitting there for months.

Now, the twits also have it sitting outside in the southern sun all the
time, after a short stint in the smallish showroom.  They've got two
Porsches, an S4, an A6, a New Bug and a Saab on the floor.  I think that
anyone who would buy the S8 would want to look at it in the a/c, not in the
steambath outside.

These guys let my '83 urq sit outside most of the time it was there and they
have a 928S4 that has been sitting in their back lot for about 18 months
getting destroyed by the sun (cracked dash, dried out leather, plastic and
rubber), along with some other nice cars dying while waiting for parts.
Kinda says a lot about the logic in the operation, doesn't it?  They also
threw out for scrap two or three Boxster motors replaced under warranty
(cheaper than repairing, but still not much wrong with the engines) as well
as piles of "old" service manuals and assorted parts AND tools that a couple
of guys just deemed unnecessary to keep for the older cars.  Did it before
some of those who would have grabbed them could do anything about it.

They now have a service department overseen offsite by an attractive woman
of questionable orientation who formerly ran their Nissan dealership
service, but has been given control of all of the dealerships now.  Along
with the sales manager (similar) they have turned a less than ideal Porsche
Audi VW Saab dealership into something modeled on a seriously faulted and
out of place in an upscale "store" Ford or Nissan design.  Forget service,
in sales or repair.  More, smaller sales offices, rude service techs
straight from Nissan or Toyota, shuffled around to the other dealerships.
Don't know nothing about the cars anymore.  The former sales manager is now
just a salesman because he fought against the "no service" trend and there's
only one service tech/writer left who was there a year ago, the last other
one bailing out for a job back east last week after she got fed up with
unkept promises, manipulated compensation structures and the behind the
scenes crap.  She used to write the Porsche work almost exclusively.
Depressingly bad attitude permeated the place when I walked in last week.  I
wonder when the implosion and rebirth will take place.  Gonna be painful.
Guess I need to get to know the dealership in Baton Rouge.

Am I missing something?

Where did that rant come from??

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Head" <v8q at>
To: "qlist" <quattro at>; "v8newlist" <V8 at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 5:13 PM
Subject: More money than...?

> Anyone fitting the subject line (insert favorite expression),
> Continental Motors in Melbourne FL has 3 S8s on the lot...

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