dash lights don't work wiht headlights?

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 27 15:55:22 EDT 2001

Hi Rich,

This is the same "trick" I was trying to describe on my 5k. On my car
the final fix was to replace the burned out license plate bulb. The 5k
has a few of these lil' "quirks"; I don't know about the 4k.



--- "Richard J. Andrews" <tech at flashmail.com> wrote:
> my experience with the later ie 85-87 4k headlight switch is to go
> halfway 
> between the 1 and 2 and when you see the dash lights
> stay on and then you slowly turn the switch till the headlights come
> on, 
> this will work for a while...
> not a permanent fix..  that is relay it all and get a new switch.
> HTH!
> rich
> '86 4kq
> >Hi Boomer,
> >
> >I had this problem with my '87 5kCSQ; I finally tracked it down to a
> >burned out license plate illuminator bulb. I know: voodoo
> electronics.
> >But it is written up for the 5k. I could work my way around the no
> dash
> >lights by lightly lifting the wand that turns on the headlights
> until
> >the dashlights came on and then holding it in this halfway position
> for
> >a second or two before moving the lever to the full headlight on
> >position. I do not know if either of these "cures" will work on a
> 4k.
> >
> >HTH,
> >
> >Shef

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