Leaky fuel dist!!need help

Huw Powell human747 at attbi.com
Mon Apr 1 15:59:03 EST 2002

> I need some quick help or suggestions for a 1991 audi 90 10V.  Went outside
> this morning to adjust fuel mixture and smell fuel and notice the
> distributor is leaking(more like seeping).  The fuel is seeping out where
> the DPR box bolts onto the front of the distributor.  If I wipe it off I
> begin seeing fuel within a few seconds.  Its not enough to drip just enough
> to make the DPR box wet.  Should i try tighting the box? Is there an o-ring
> or gasket that can be replaced?  Or does this mean there are bigger internal
> problems with the fuel dist?

You could just try tightening the screws, of course.

As I recall there are two small o-rings, for the fuel in and out holes.

I would at least pull the DPR carefully and see if the cause of your
leak is obvious.

Huw Powell



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