comparison pic of rebuilt/original calipers
james accordino
ssgacc at
Tue Apr 2 18:03:41 EST 2002
The upper portion above the wear appears to be
sandblasted. At least that's what all the steel I
sandblast looks like. It also appears from the wear
patterns that the clearances between the piston and
bore have been compromised. This would explain the
uneven pad wear as well as the pattern on the piston.
Jim Accordino
--- Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
> As promised:
> (56.6kB)
> Guess which one is the rebuilt.
> Surprise.
> The LEFT unit is from a rebuild and has been on the
> car for about two
> years, if I remember correctly.
> The RIGHT unit is at -least- 5 years old; it hasn't
> been replaced
> since I bought the car, that's for sure.
> Lovely, eh?
> Incidentally, the boot was fine on both.
> I'm almost positive the rebuilt was on the driver's
> side, but I have
> my doubts...I can't believe that this amount of
> damage would happen
> over such a short period of time. I remember being
> severely annoyed
> when the caliper started seizing, and I'm fairly
> certain it was "oh
> great, there goes the one I just installed." I'm
> pretty sure I
> remember working on the driver's side of the car...
> further, the
> driver's side unit had anti-seize compound all
> around the ebrake
> shaft. I might take a poke in the archives to see
> if I posted about
> it.
> Well, off to find supplies...orings for the ebrake
> shafts, cheap
> needle nose pliers to file down to the get the ring
> out, sandblasting
> media and some sort of tough paint(NO, not red :-)
> Isn't there a
> kind of bake-on epoxy paint or something that are
> done by shops? I
> know jet-hot has a thermal-dissipative version of
> their coating, but
> we're talking shade-tree operation, not NASA here
> :-) Long as it's
> reasonably cheap, doesn't hurt the heat transfer of
> the caliper too
> much, and keeps the whole thing from rusting up, I
> could care less
> what it is...
> Brett
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain
> temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben
> Franklin
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