comparison pic of rebuilt/original calipers

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Apr 2 18:11:53 EST 2002

Nice tip about the stats.  Also other good info.  You
should easily be able to find the oil seal for the cam
at any bearing supply house.  They had them in stock
when I went looking.  They might be 1mm thicker.  This
is the case when I look for generic replacements for
most of Audis (Kaco) seals.  I think they spec. them
1mm less and odd numbers to make them "special".

Jim Accordino

--- Kim Johnson <ja6 at> wrote:
> Bret,
> I just dismanteled a set of calipers this afternoon.
> The "slick tool" to get
> down inside and get that ring off was a medical type
> Hemostat. About 10 or
> 12 inches long made of stainless steel and should be
> easy to find at a tool
> supply or hardware store. You just have to sharpen
> up the ends with a file a
> small amount to fit onto the holes on the ring.

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