driving Fast [re: C5 racing]

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Wed Apr 3 23:36:40 EST 2002

> That totally depends on the car. Some cars are very stable at those
> speeds.

I held the bus (Type 44 TQW) at 150mph indicated on the A7 in Germany for 9 minutes once - I
hit that speed for briefer periods several times in the same trip.  It's actually not bad.
The most stable cars are of course the flagship Mercs, but the humble old Passat wagon (ca.
1983) was like a rock at serious speed.

Alignment and tyre pressures are critical, plus a keen eye for 'Spurrillen' - the tracks left
by the trucks.  It's very tiring - I have always maintained that tiredness is a function of
distance rather than time.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
  +49 173 6242039

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